Minimising risk in corporate actions, with standard operating procedures
Managing multiple IPOs, placements, and stock options programmes can be a daunting task, and it requires keeping track of numerous deadlines. The team realised that manual reminders in Outlook created operational risk and induced stress within the team. To simplify this process, the team took an active approach towards standardizing their operations by using templates to create interactive standard operating procedures (SOPs).
Process templates in Daymi are used to create standard workflows or ad-hoc processes that can be easily deployed when needed. This can be useful for situations where a standard process is needed, such as when a new customer is acquired or a new account is opened. The templates can be customized to fit the specific needs of the situation and can be easily duplicated and deployed when necessary.
Aktieinvest team uses Daymi’s flexible notification system to stay on top of their ad-hoc processes and deadlines. It’s a fully custom system that includes dashboard, email and phone notifications. This is particularly useful for tasks that require four-eye approvals or dual controls, as it allows approvers to quickly confirm the process and move on to the next task. Daymi lets you remind others and be reminded stress-free.
“Having SOPs minimises the risk and creates transparency. Everyone carries out the tasks the same way and we don’t miss out on deadlines. That’s our greatest focus.“
The use of SOPs allows the team to manage their ad-hoc processes more effectively, providing a clear overview of daily tasks and reducing the risk of missing important deadlines. Replacing scattered Excel sheets with SOPs in Daymi created transparency and momentum for the team – everyone knows what to do, how to do and when to do it. As a result, the team eliminated key staff dependency and reduced operational risk.

Simplify your everyday operations
Daymi helps teams reduce operational risk by making it easy to create SOPs and track deadlines. This eliminates key staff dependencies and promotes transparency, which can help everyone work more effectively. By using Daymi, teams can focus on saving time, ultimately leading to a stress-free and more efficient work environment.